Giving your immune system a little “boost” naturally this winter by having a toolshed filled with daily, healthy practices may be just the ticket to keeping well all season long.
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With colder months here, finding ways to boost the immune system naturally is always high on my list. Having a compromised immune system for many years has prompted me to investigate and incorporate ways to keep myself healthy and free from illness year round.
Some are daily cleanses and others are used when I feel rundown or off. You know that feeling, tired, sneezy, watery eyes and the like. When I’m feeling that way, I find that uping my self-care game and using all these techniques pretty much stalls the nasties in their tracks.
Obviously, I am not a doctor and certainly don’t pretend to be one. These are considerations for supporting your immune system naturally that have worked for me and continue to do so. Always research, research, research and then, you got it, research some more. When in doubt, always refer to your primary care physician.
“Immunity is the main mechanism of host defense against infectious agents” according to NCBI. It’s our bodies response to a foreign invader if you will.
There is much discussion as to whether the immune system can actually be boosted. I prefer to suggest that it can be supported naturally when presented with stress and increased germ exposure.
When it comes to describing a strong immune system, we are better off looking at what a weak one looks like. After all, when it’s properly functioning, we remain healthy.
Penn Medicine has succinctly summarized what an immune system that is not functioning at its optimal best looks like.
- HIGH STRESS – In this article, PM states that, “According to a report by the American Psychological Association, long-term stress weakens the responses of your immune system. “That’s because stress decreases the body’s lymphocytes, the white blood cells that help fight off infection. The lower your lymphocyte levels, the more you’re at risk for viruses like the common cold,” explains Nadia Hasan, DO, a physician at Delancey Internal Medicine.” Consider utilizing an eye pillow for reducing overall stress. Make your own or let me make one for you 😉
- ALWAYS FEELING ILL – If you are constantly under the weather or fighting a cold or worse, this can be a clear indication of a stressed immune system
- GUT ISSUES – This is a biggy in my opinion as so many today face gut health issues. Research has shown that 70% of your immune system resides in your digestive tract! When your stomach is upset and is constantly gaseous, or you frequently have diarrhea, or constipation, this can be a good indication of immunity issues
- SLOW WOUND HEALING – Should you find that small wounds seem to take forever and a day to heal themselves, it could be your immune system being sluggish
- FREQUENT INFECTIONS – If you require multiple courses of antibiotics to combat infections (think ear, sinus, and lung), it could be your immune system begging for some assistance
- FEELING EXHAUSTED CONTINUALLY – If you are optimally sleeping and still feel sluggish & exhausted, it’s a pretty good indication of a tired immune system
The idea that we can boost the immune system can be misleading, according to Dr. Suzanne Cassel, an immunologist from Cedars-Sinai.
It is her belief that by understanding how the immune system works….
“You actually don’t want your immune system to be stronger, you want it to be balanced.”
Dr. Suzanne Cassel
I tend to agree with her. When our bodies & minds are in balance, our immune systems remain their healthiest.
The old adage “an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure” rings true when it comes to germs and viruses we face each winter and often throughout the seasons.
The best course of action anyone can take to keep the “bugs” away? Prevention.
It’s a simple thing to do, and one we should all be doing regardless. However, it’s even more important now. Studies have shown that this simple act is “effective at physically removing influenza virus from human hands”.
“Hand washing can cut the risk of respiratory infection by 16 percent and a 2008 study showed a 21 percent reduction” according to an article in the Harvard Gazette.
I am a firm believer that food can be our medicine. Good, healthy, wholesome, organic food.
During the months when our immune systems are under duress & vulnerable, it’s most important to feed ourselves foods with the highest nutrient content possible.
- FOODS HIGH IN VITAMIN C – Add plenty of citrus fruits, winter squash, leafy greens such as spinach, green peppers, and broccoli & cauliflower are all good choices
- GARLIC – The benefits of garlic go far beyond your favorite pasta dish. “Garlic and its secondary metabolites have shown excellent health-promoting and disease-preventing effects on many human common diseases, such as cancer, cardiovascular and metabolic disorders, blood pressure, and diabetes, through its antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and lipid-lowering properties” according to NCBI
- HONEY – Raw honey does more than just soothe a throat. It boasts antimicrobial properties and is full of minerals. Partner honey with garlic in my Honey Fermented Garlic and you have one powerful home prevention and remedy
- TURMERIC – Turmeric reduces inflammation. And does it amazingly. “It aids in the management of oxidative and inflammatory conditions, metabolic syndrome, arthritis, anxiety, and hyperlipidemia”. I will refer to my “Golden Paste – Why You & Your Pets Will Benefit” for a more in depth look at turmeric’s many benefits. Look below for my turmeric toddy recipe I use everyday to incorporate more turmeric into your daily diet
- FOODS WITH HIGH PROBIOTICS – As stated above, a large portion of our immune functions reside in the gut. Even Hippocrates himself, the father of medicine states, “all disease begins in the gut”. Consuming priobiotics, and foods that are high in them are one way we can begin to heal our guts. Think fermented foods like my “Lacto Fermented Dilly Beans”, my beet and onion kraut that can be found in “Fermenting Foods In a Mason Jar”, and don’t discount a good “Homemade Yogurt”.
- BONE BROTH – My number one tool in my arsenal for healing the gut? Bone Broth. Visit “Bone Broth – How To Make It & Why” for an in-depth look into this flavorful and healing broth
- SPICES – Consider adding additional warming spices to your diet. Spices like cumin, cinnamon, cardamom, cayenne, and fennel which can aid in immune support
Adding a few key supplements & herbs to my daily routine is something that I do, well, daily. One’s that I can’t do without? Here are a few.
- FIRE CIDER – This fermented food/supplement may be your best friend during vulnerable winter months. And why not? “This immune-boosting master tonic will have you energized & healthy throughout the seasons.” Don’t have time to make your own? Grab one of ours!
- ELDERBERRY – If you’re not already adding elderberry to your winter routine of preventatives, why not? This powerful preventative is our main go to in the form of both tincture and syrup
- ZINC – Found in all cells in the body & plays an important roll in cell development and function. This powerful antioxidant has been shown that when added as a supplementation, a “decreased oxidative stress markers and generation of inflammatory cytokines” were noted.
- VITAMIN C – Vitamin C’s main function is to repair tissues within the body. “Though it may not be the cure for the common cold, the benefits of vitamin C may include protection against immune system deficiencies”
- VITAMIN D3 – Vitamin D, commonly known as the “sunshine vitamin”, not only is needed for strong bone and muscle health, but also for building a strong immunity.
- HERBS – Many find immediate bodily response to herbal therapies. Mine included. Some of my favorites to utilize for immune support? You might consider a blend of Astragalus, Schisandra, Olive Leaf, Echinacea, Pau D’Arco, Rosehip, & Orange Peel, all powerhouses when it comes to immune support. These supportive herbs blended together make for a wonderful immune support & preventative tea when fresh ginger, cinnamon, chaga mushroom & reishi mushroom are added, and is one we drink daily here on the hill. Don’t grow your own? Our favorite online source for quality herbs is Mountain Rose Herbs
- THYME – Did you know that simple garden thyme is high in Vitamin C and a good source of Vitamin A? It’s also a powerful fighter of inflammation and provides amazing respiratory support. So whether you are looking to prevent or treat, consider drinking a hot, soothing mug of thyme tea.
The following ways to create a self-care routine and support our immune system are ones that I have been using for years. They work.
The key? Being consistent! Human beings are notably creatures of habit. How many times have you gone to a class, whether it be an exercise class or higher education, and have gone to the exact same spot each time, even if not required to?
I have witnessed this over the years in my yoga teachings. Students would faithfully show up in class and proceed to go to the exact same spot to lay their mat. And not just one student. The class as a whole would do this.
We human’s like continuity and a schedule. When it comes to our self-care and wellness routines, it’s no different.
Sticking to a routine of when we go to bed, wake up, exercise, and eat well, will have our immune systems humming along at a nice steady, balanced state.
Our bodies are made up of roughly 60% water. It stands to reason we need to replenish it, and replenish it often and well.
Water consumption assists the body in maintaining bodily fluids. It’s these fluids that assist in digestion, absorption, circulation, and the creation of saliva, body temperature, and transporation of nutrients. All pretty important functions in my humble opinion 😉
So how much water? We’ve all heard that we should be drinking 8 8 oz glasses a day, also known as the 8 x 8 rule of thumb. This translates into roughly 2 liters or a half gallon per day.
This is what I drink each day. I keep track of my water intake by drinking from a 32 oz mason jar (2 of these). For me, this amount doesn’t include any herbal tea’s or my immune supporting turmeric toddy (found below).
This amount, obviously, can be adjusted to suit. If you prefer drinking non-caffeinated herbal tea’s instead of water, by all means supplement.
There may be no better self-care routine for our bodies, our minds, and our immune systems than by using & moving our bodies. Daily.
Here on the hill, I could certainly not do the physical labor required to keep up the homestead without the addition of my daily exercise of choice, Yoga.
Routine exercise not only decreases the likelihood of developing chronic desease (think high blood pressure, heart disease, & the like), but also supports our immune systems. Excercise acts as a “modulator of the immune system”.
During and after physical exercise, pro- and anti-inflammatory cytokines are released, lymphocyte circulation increases, as well as cell recruitment.
Through exercise, the body can reach optimal health not only in body, but in the immune system as well.
Yes, you heard correctly. Sleep, or better yet, lack there of, can contribute to an over-stressed immune system.
According to a study by Carnegie-Mellon University, “if you don’t catch 40 winks, you may catch a cold”. This study found that those who get fewer than 7 hours of sleep each night are 3 times more likely to catch a cold.
Sleep is the body’s time to regenerate. To repair & renew cells within the body. It’s no wonder that those who sleep a good 8 hours nightly, will develop a better defensive response when exposed to viruses like the common cold.
Developing good sleep habits to support that immune system dosen’t have to be involved. If you are having issues with sleep, by changing a few simple nightly routine habits can make the world of difference.
- BEDTIME – Be consistent with going to bed and rising at roughly the same time
- REDUCE LIGHT EXPOSURES – Light exposures, including bright room lights, can reduce overall melatonin levels. Reducing screen-time is optimal for maintaining melatonin responses as well
- AVOID CAFFEINE – By avoiding caffeine after noontime can often assist those who have trouble getting a complete night’s sleep
Of all the daily cleanses performed, the most revered? Using the neti pot. This little pot, resembling that of Alladin, may be the best tool I have in my shed for maintaining my immune systems optimal health and keeping the germs at bay.
When I begin to show signs of sinus issues, you know what I’m talking about here without getting too graphic, I will add a pinch of turmeric or a few drops of colloidal silver to the pot. There are many views on the use of colloidal silver, but for me, when used in moderation, it becomes a powerful preventative.
I drink this every day. Even as I’m writing this, I’m sipping on a mug of this immune supporting, anti-inflammatory drink. It’s easy to make, tastes wonderful, and supports the immune system amazingly.
To make your own golden cup of goodness, you will need to make my turmeric paste first. Simply refer to my “Golden Paste” tutorial on how to make yours to have on hand. It takes just 5 minutes. Be sure to keep the paste in the refrigerator once cooled.
To make my turmeric toddy, simply add to a mug the juice from 1 small lemon or half of a large one, 1/4 to 1/2 tsp organic coconut oil, 1 tsp raw honey, and hot water. Mix and enjoy!
These are just some of my preventatives and home remedies that I utilize for immune support especially during the winter months. They are effective, work, and are simple to implement and utilize.
And when all else fails? Enjoy some homemade chicken soup.
What are your favorite preventatives?
Recommendations and or suggestions made by this blog regarding husbandry and or herbal remedies etc. are not meant to replace solid advice from qualified professionals. None of the information on this blog has been evaluated by the FDA. Products or remedies mentioned are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease. Please do your due diligence. Research, talk to qualified professionals and proceed at your own risk.
This article was shared at the Homestead Blog Hop!
My immune system is currently tanked as a result of stress, Suzan. I am definitely going through your suggestions to see what I can do that I am currently not doing to build it back up!
Congrats for being one of our Featured Friends at Friendship Friday at Create With Joy this month!
I’m sorry to hear that stress is causing some issues! I hope these tips help out a bit ❤️
We do some of these things but there are others we probably need to incorporate. Thanks for sharing.
Thank you for sharing this with us on the Homestead Blog Hop, it has been chosen as one of our features for Hop #326!
What a great post. I especially love that Golden paste. Going to make that for sure. Congratulations, you are being featured on Thursday Favorite Things. I hope you stop by.
Excellent post. We’ve certainly learned how important it is to have a strong immune system! I’ve been boosting mine for almost five years and I don’t even have allergies anymore. My body can handle the allergens. Sunshine is important too, for vitamin D and for helping the body’s immune system.
I couldn’t agree more with sun exposure. Unfortunately, for many like myself, getting proper sunshine is difficult during the grey winter months. Supplementation is often needed. Thank you for stopping by, Cindy!
Great info. Almost all of my cooking involves adding turmeric which is pretty much a staple in Indian cooking, good to learn about its various health benefits.
This is so timely! Thanks for sharing with us at the Homestead Blog Hop!
So many valuable and interesting points here. The tumeric paste for making tea is something I’m going to try.
I agree that washing hands is one of the most effective ways of beating germs. Hey – if anyone catches the cold or flu this year – they’re not paying attention!
This is such a great list, it reminds me that I need to make more elderberry syrup! I love visiting your website!
I see such good tumeric drinks for winter time, I’ll have to give this one a shot!
Great information! I love yellow milk… though I don’t drink it as often as I should. I am also slowly trying to increase my water intake!
Love this list! Bone broth is a staple in my house, especially for my kids during the winter months. I do need to up my zinc intake. Thanks for this!
This is such an awesome post. Thank you for sharing these tips! I’m going to work on some easy wins this week–go to bed earlier and limit screens late at night. 🙂
I will need to try the Turmeric for herbal drink. You are so right we want it to be balance not stronger.
I worked with a nutritionist who specializes in gut health for about a year. She was amazing, and took care of all my stomach issues. Convinced me, gut health is extremely important.
Very good information.
Tumeric Moringa in warm milk is my go to! But yes, I have also upped my Vitamin C, D3 and Zinc intake. Natural supplements are always a first choice over pharmaceuticals in our home!
I am immunocompromised, so I knew about many of these. Honestly, though, I could do better at several of them. Thanks for the reminders!
These are great – I really need to start incorporating these into my diet more!
Such great tips! I’m all about naturally boosting my immune system. Especially when I’m working on a long movie or show & we work 16 hour days, everyone gets sick. It’s so important to give it that boost.
These are great! I’ve been reading about turmeric a lot lately. And I’ve been upping my Vitamin D3 game!
These are great ideas to boost your immune system. I like the balance factor!
Love this! I’m a big water drinker and fan of daily exercise. And garlic of course!
Great tips for staying healthy, especially at this time.
I take C and Zinc daily and always have elderberry syrup on hand for when I feel something coming on.
All simple ways to boost your immune system. I added elderberry, zinc, and bone broth to my daily routine.
I hear more and more about tumeric and elderberry. Will def add them into our household use
Great information.. I have thyme in my garden and use it daily in salads and cooking, but never in a tea.. thank you!
Great tips! my immune system takes a beating in the winter, and I should try more of these tips to boost it
Turmeric is also my fave herbal drink, especially in the morning, and drink it warm with honey! Thank you for the tips! I really need to start my yoga again:)